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RNDr. Zuzana Urbanová, Ph.D.

  • Unit:
    PřF Department of Ecosystem Biology | Researcher
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  • Phone number:
    +420 389 032 261
  • Room:
    010301052 pracovna pedagogů 052 - 1. patro - budova B - Blažkův pavilon (pracovna 261)
    Branišovská 1716/31c, 370 05 České Budějovice

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Detail Authors Publication title Year Publication type Publication sub-type



Brittany A. Verbeke , Louis J. Lamit , Erik A. Lilleskov , Suzanne B. Hodgkins, Nathan Basiliko, Evan S. Kane, Roxane Andersen, et al.,  Zuzana Urbanová, et al. and Jeffrey P. Chanton, 2022. Latitude, Elevation, and Mean Annual Temperature Predict Peat Organic Matter Chemistry at a Global Scale. Global Biogeochemical cycles 36, DOI: 10.1029/2021GB007057

Urbanová, Z. and Hájek, T. 2021. Revisiting the concept of ‘enzymic latch’ on carbon in peatlands. Science of the Total Environment 779: 146384. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146384

Urbanová, Z., and Bárta, J. 2020. Recovery of methanogenic community and its activity in long-term drained peatlands after rewetting. Ecological Engineering, 150.

Chroňáková, A., Bárta, J., Kaštovská, E., Urbanová, Z., Picek, T. 2019. Spatial heterogeneity of belowground microbial communities linked to peatland microhabitats with different plant dominants. FEMS microbiology Ecology, 95. doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiz130

Mastný, J., E. Kaštovská, J. Bárta, A. Chroňáková, J. Borovec, H. Šantrůčková, Z. Urbanová, K. R. Edwards, a T. Picek. 2018. Quality of DOC produced during litter decomposition of peatland plant dominants. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 121: 221-230.

Urbanová, Z., Straková, P., Kaštovská, E., 2018. Response of peat biogeochemistry and soil organic matter quality to rewetting in bogs and spruce swamp forests. European J. of Soil Biology 85, 12-22.

Kaštovská, E., Straková, P., Edwards, K., Urbanová, Z., Bárta, J., Mastný, J., Šantrůčková, H., Picek, T., 2018. Cotton-grass and blueberry have opposite effect on peat characteristics and nutrient transformation in peatland. Ecosystems 21, 443-458.

Mastný, J., Urbanová, Z., Kaštovská, E., Straková, P., Šantrůčková, H. and Picek, T. 2016. Soil organic matter quality and microbial activities in spruce swamp forests affected by drainage and water  regime restoration. Soil Use and Management 32, 200–209. 

Urbanová, Z. and Bárta, J. 2016. Effects of long-term drainage on microbial community composition vary between peatland types. Soil Biol Biochem 92, 16-26.

Urbanová, Z. and Bárta, J. 2014. Microbial community composition and in silico predicted metabolic potential reflect biogeochemical gradients between distinct peatland types. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 90, 633-646.

Urbanová, Z., Picek, T., I., Tuittila, E.-S., 2013. Sensitivity of carbon gas fluxes to weather  variability on pristine, drained and rewetted temperate bogs. Mires and Peat 11, article 04.

Urbanová, Z., Bárta, J., Picek, T., 2013. Methane emissions and methanogenic Archaea on
pristine, drained and restored mountain peatlands, Central Europe. Ecosystems 16, 664-677.

Urbanová, Z., Picek, T., Hájek, T., Bufková, I., Tuittila, E.-S., 2012. Vegetation and carbon gas dynamics under a changed hydrological regime in central European peatlands. Plant Ecology & Diversity 5, 89-103.

Urbanová, Z., Picek, T., Bárta, J., 2011. Effect of peat re-wetting on carbon and nutrient fluxes, greenhouse gas production and diversity of methanogenic archaeal community. Ecological Engineering 37:1017–1026.

Creative activity

Finished projects:

  • Effect of hydrological restoration of long-term drained peatlands on functional diversity of soil microorganisms in relation to organic matter quality, postdok project GAČR (Czech Science Foundation),  2014 - 2016, investigator of the project
  • Decay resistance of Sphagnum – biochemical causes and consequences (2018-2020, Czech Science Foundation, PI: Tomáš Hájek, team member)
  • Functional diversity of soil microorganisms in spruce swamp forest and its effect on soil DOM (2013–2016, Czech Science Foundation, PI: Tomáš Picek, team member)


Running projects:

  • LIFE for MIRES (Transboundary restoration of mires for biodiversity and landscape hydrology in Šumava and Bavarian Forest), 2018 - 2024,

         Principal investigator: Šumava National Park

         (Co)investigator from the Department: Zuzana Urbanová


Current schedule



Peatland ecology

Effect of long-term drainage and hydrological restoration on peatland functioning, with a focus on soil processes, vegetation, greenhouse gasses production a emissions, microbial community composition, nutrient transformation and organic matter quality in peatlands.  

Carbon fluxes and balance on pristine, drained and restored peatlands. 

member of the Peatland ecology working groups

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