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RNDr. Petr Čapek, Ph.D.

  • Unit:
    PřF Department of Ecosystem Biology | Assistant Professor
  • E-mail:
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  • Phone number:
    +420 389 032 361
  • Room:
    010302048 pracovna pedagogů 048 - 2. patro - budova B - Blažkův pavilon (pracovna 361)
    Branišovská 1716/31c, 370 05 České Budějovice


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Detail Authors Publication title Year Publication type Publication sub-type


Education and training:

2008 – 2010: Master (Mgr.) of Biology (University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Science, Department of Ecosystem Biology, České Budějovice; supervisor: prof. Ing. Hana Šantrůčková, CSc.)

2011 – 2016: Ph.D. – Ecosystem Biology (University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Science, Department of Ecosystem Biology, České Budějovice; supervisor: prof. Ing. Hana Šantrůčková, CSc.)

Postdoctoral fellowship:

2017 – 2019: Environmental Dynamic & Simulation in the Earth (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA)

Creative activity

Principal investigator

GAČR 20-14704Y: Integrating experimental and modelling approach to understand the effect of redox potential on microbial carbon use efficiency


GAČR 20-19471S: GeoMicLink: Microbial imprint in catchment scale nutrient retention

GAČR 22-05421S: Effect of nitrogen availability and forest status on soil microbiome, nutrient cycling, and biological recovery of acidified waters in mountain ecosystems

GAČR 17-15229S: Phosphorus dynamics in unmanaged terrestrial ecosystems: Links with nitrogen and carbon cycling

The most significant peer-reviewed publications:

Čapek P, Manzoni S, Kaštovská E, Wild B, Diáková K, Bárta J, Schnecker J, Biasi Ch, Martikainen PJ, Alves RJE, Guggenberger G, Gentsch N, Hugelius G, Palmtag J, Mikutta R, Shibistova O, Urich T, Schleper Ch, Richter A, Šantrůčková H. 2018. A plant–microbe interaction framework explaining nutrient effects on primary production. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2:1588-1596.

Manzoni S, Čapek P, Mooshammer M, Lindahl BD, Richter A, Šantrůčková H. 2017. Optimal metabolic regulation along resource stoichiometry gradients. Ecology Letters 20: 1182-1191.

Čapek P, Choma M, Tahovská K, Kaňa J, Kopáček J, Šantrůčková H. 2021. Coupling the resource stoichiometry and microbial biomass turnover to predict nutrient mineralization and immobilization in soil. Geoderma 385: 114884.

Čapek P, Starke R, Hofmockel KS, Bond-Lamberty B, Hess N. 2019. Apparent temperature sensitivity of soil respiration can result from temperature driven changes in microbial biomass. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 135:286-293.

Schädel C, Bader MKF, Schuur EAG, Biasi C, Bracho R, Čapek P, De Baets S, Diáková K, Ernakovich J, Estop-Aragones C, Graham DE, Hartley IP, Iversen CM, Kane ES, Knoblauch C, Lupascu M, Martikainen PJ, Natali SM, Norby RJ, O'Donnell JA, Chowdhury TR, Šantrůčková H, Shaver G, Sloan VL, Treat CC, Turetsky MR, Waldrop MP, Wickland KP. 2016. Potential carbon emissions dominated by carbon dioxide from thawed permafrost soils. Nature Climate Change 6: 950-953.

Current schedule




Research ID



The long-term aim of my research is to improve the process-based understanding of soil biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. My research is conducted on a problem-based basis. First, the problem or knowledge gap is identified using quantitative methods of mathematical modelling. Then, the experimental design and appropriate methodological approach are selected to test several theoretical assumptions associated with the problem. Currently, the most frequently used methods are isotope probing, microbial markers identification and quantification, and molecular analyses. Experimental results are then used to derive the mechanistic explanation of observed patterns. The ultimate goal of my research is to help increase the confidence in the microbial-explicit soil biogeochemical models.

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