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Meeting report on FEBS practical crystallization course "Advanced methods in macromolecular crystallization X"

The 10th FEBS practical crystallization course "Advanced methods in macromolecular crystallization" took place at the University of South Bohemia (USB) from June 9th to June 15th, 2024.

Organized by Ivana Kuta Smatanova (University of South Bohemia), Pavlina Rezacova (Czech Academy of Sciences), Jeroen R. Mesters (University of Lübeck), and Jose A. Gavira (National Research Council & University of Granada), it was supported by FEBS, eleven sponsoring companies, USB and other scientific Societies. These corporations provided equipment and materials, covered registration fees for eight students, and sponsored three poster prizes and a special prize from Prof. Bernhard Rupp. The course included practical workshops by Douglas Instruments Ltd. and Altium International s.r.o. Thirty-three experts from 12 countries delivered 33 lectures to 24 students.

The course opened with welcomes from Assoc. Prof. Ludek Berec (vice-rector of USB), Assoc. Prof. Dagmar Skodova Parmova (the Mayor of city CB), and Prof. Mutay A. Aslan (MIC of FEBS ACC). Dr. Sara Fuentes (Managing editor of FEBS OpenBio) gave an online lecture on "Tackling the Reproducibility Crisis in Scientific Research." Participants, including PhD students and postdocs, were greeted online by former FEBS course organizers Prof. Rolf Hilgenfeld (University of Lübeck) and Prof. Juan Manuel Garcia-Ruiz (LEC Granada). After opening ceremony, they were introduced to new topics in advanced protein crystallography. The first day concluded with a welcome party.

From Tuesday to Friday, the course featured intensive lectures and lab exercises on topics like biophysical techniques, protein crystallization screening, and crystal improvement. Students experimented with their own or model proteins, and engaged in poster sessions and discussions with speakers. Poster prizes were awarded to Tomas Brom (prize of FEBS OpenBio Journal), Alexandra Knopp (IUCr Journals prize), and Yurii Dubanych (prize of FEBS ACC). Anil A. Sohail received a special prize, a dedicated copy of Bernhard Rupp's book. The course concluded with crystal observation and evaluation on Saturday morning.

We thank FEBS, sponsors, speakers, and tutors for their support and contributions.

Course webpage HERE.

Authors: I. Kuta Smatanova, P. Rezacova, Jeroen R. Mesters and J. A. Gavira


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