Centrální rozvojový projekt na rok 2017: Sdílení kapacit hostujících pedagogů s využitím IT technologií

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích získala finanční podporu na rok 2017 pro projekt Sdílení kapacit hostujících pedagogů s využitím IT technologií. Jedná se o Centrální rozvojový projekt (CRP) v rámci programu na podporu vzájemné spolupráce vysokých škol s tematickým zaměřením Podpora mezinárodní spolupráce vysokých škol.

Koordinátorem projektu je Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, dalšími zapojenými univerzitami jsou Masarykova univerzita v Brně, Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita Brno a Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích. Každá z účastněných univerzit bude podpořena částkou 1 000 000,-Kč.

Cílem projektu je umožnit návštěvu významných odborníků ze zahraničí na některé ze čtyř zapojených univerzit a zároveň přednášky těchto odborníků zpřístupnit studentům a pracovníkům z ostatních univerzit.

Pro účely toho projektu byla vytvořen samostatný webový portál (visitingprofs.upol.cz, kde budou ukládány videozáznamy přednášek.

V rámci CRP Sdílení kapacit hostujících pedagogů s využitím IT technologií se pořádají tyto přednášky:

středa 13.12.2017, Naveen Narisetty ( Department of Statistics, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign): "Extremal Depth for Functional Data with Application to Functional Boxplots"
Naveen Narisetty is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Statistics, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He obtained his Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of Michigan under the guidance of Prof. Xuming He and Prof. Vijay Nair. Before coming to Michigan, he got his Bachelors and Master’s degrees in Statistics from the Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. He received several honors including the ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award and Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship from Michigan and two best paper awards from the American Statistical Association. He delivered several invited lectures including a plenary talk at the International Statistical Institute’s conference in Bali, Indonesia. His research interests include High-Dimensional Data, Variable Selection, Bayesian Computation, Data Depth, Large-Scale Computational Models and Quantile-Based Inference.

Abstract: Multivariate notions of depth play an important role in robust multivariate data analysis. However, relatively less attention has been received by depth notions for functional data. We propose a new notion of functional depth called Extremal Depth (ED), which considers extreme outlyingness of the functional data similar to the projection depth in the multivariate case. We show that ED satisfies many desirable properties as a depth notion and is well suited for obtaining central regions of functional data. For constructing central regions, ED satisfies two important properties that are not shared by other notions: a) the central region achieves the nominal simultaneous coverage probability; b) the width of the simultaneous region is proportional to that of the pointwise central regions. The usefulness of ED is demonstrated for constructing functional boxplots and for detecting outliers. Through empirical studies, we show that ED box plots are robust and more effective in detecting outliers compared to existing notions.

úterý 28.11.2017, Ewa Rembialkowska (Warsaw University of Live Sciences): "Safety and quality of organic food. Impact of organic food on animal and human health."

Professor Ewa Rembialkowska is chair of of the Department of Functional and Organic Food and Commodities of Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences.  Main areas of didactic activity: Organic food; ecology and environment protection;  organic products in human nutrition; organic methods of food production; ecological aspects of food, nutrition and health; landscape ecology; modern technologies and food standardization; organic agriculture, environment and health
Research interests: Food quality from organic farming and its impact on human and animal health; development of the organic farming in Poland and Europe; development of the ecological awareness and pro-environmental attitudes of the consumers, organic and conventional farmers; GMO, environment and health; creating communication platform between science and practice in the organic farming sector

úterý 21.11.2017, Sangin Shim (Gyeongsang National University, Jižní Korea): " The water relation in crop physiology and stress physiology in crop plant."

Professor Sangin Shim research is conducted in the field of food crop production and crop physiology. Crops growth and development and yield are determined by environment and genotype. In recent years, crop productivity has become unstable due to global climate change, and the importance of crop quality research is growing. Therefore, we are investigating the relationship between environment and crop growth, especially, focusing on the physiological changes including photosynthesis and antioxidant activity under changing conditions such as temperature increase and drought. In addition, to increase the end-use quality of wheat we are conducting proteomics studies on the ripening physiology in wheat and other crops.

středa 15.11.2017, 13:15, aula Bobík: Helmut Renöckl (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Rakousko): "Putting Europe to the Test. Is there a Future for European Values, Social and Economic Models in a World of Global Competition?"

Univerzitní prof. Helmut Renöckl je odborníkem na problematiku etiky v přírodních a technických vědách. Působí na Technicko-přírodovědecké fakultě univerzity Johanna Keplera v Linci. V minulosti zastával funkci předsedy Spolku pro sociální etiku ve střední Evropě. Je také členem Evropské akademie  věd a umění a je autorem více jak 200 publikací.

Přednáška je zaměřena především na aktuální výzvy, kterým čelí Evropa jako kulturní společnost. Přednáška analyzuje Evropu a její kulturní kořeny, analyzuje příčiny různých společenských katastrof, nastiňuje nové výzvy, kterým bude Evropa v budoucnosti čelit, a klade si otázku, zda má Evropa vůbec nějakou budoucnost s ohledem na své hodnoty, sociální a ekonomické modely ve světe globální konkurence.

středa 15. 11. 2017 od 10:15: prof. Dr. Fahimul Quadir (Faculty of Graduate Studies and Professor of Development Studies at York University in Toronto, Canada): "Weaving a dream: cosmopolitan citizenship and the construction of a new social order"

Dr. Fahim Quadir is the Interim Dean and Associate Vice-President Graduate in the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Professor of Development Studies at York University in Toronto, Canada. Prior to joining the Faculty at York University in 2001, he held academic positions at Queen’s University at Kingston, St. Lawrence University in New York, and the University of Chittagong in Bangladesh. He also taught International Development Studies at Dalhousie University in Halifax. From July 2013 to May 2017, Dr. Quadir served as Associate Dean in the Faculty of Graduate Studies. He is the founding director of York University’s Graduate Program in Development Studies and its undergraduate program in IDS.

Professor Quadir specializes in International Development, International Relations and International Political Economy. His current research focuses on South-South Cooperation, aid effectiveness, Southern aid providers, good governance, civil society, micro-finance, trans-border social movements for peace, human security, and human development. 

Dr. Quadir has edited/co-edited five books namely: Towards a Democratic Cosmopolis: diaspora(2017), citizenship and recognition Civil Society in Bangladesh: in search of democracy and development (July 2015), Democracy and civil society in Asia: globalization, democracy, and civil society in Asia (2004), Democracy and civil society in Asia: democratic transitions and social movements in Asia (2004), and Crises of governance in Asia and Africa (2001). He has published extensively in various international peer review journals relating to South-South cooperation, emerging donors, aid effectiveness, good governance, civil society, democratic consolidation, transnational social movements, human security and regional development.

Dr. Quadir has held many grants and fellowships, including Fulbright, SSHRC, IDRC, SSRC (USA) and Killam. He has supervised numerous graduate students, designed and taught a number of graduate and undergraduate courses and received the University-Wide Teaching Award for teaching excellence from the full-time faculty category.

He served as President of the Canadian Consortium for University Programs in International Development and as Board Member of the Canadian Association for the Society of International Development. Professor Quadir is also a Board member of a number of community organizations and research institutes and has participated in several large-scale development and research projects in different parts of the world.

pondělí 13.11.2017, Aurelie Ferrer (ISARA Lyon): "Agroecology and agroecological practices. An agroecological diagnosis of a vegetable farm. "
Aurelie Ferrer is agroecologist and ecologist (entomology) in research group of ISARA Lyon. She teaches and coordinates also MSc in Agroecology.

pondělí 6.11.2017: Stephen Boulter (Oxford Brookes University): Philosophy in Searching Times: The Enduring Merits of Scholasticism

Prof. Boulter je vedoucím katedry filosofie a etiky na Oxford Brookes University. Zabývá se filosofií evoluční biologie, vnímáním, metafyzikou, Aristotelem a středověkou filosofií. Je autorem řady článků a knih ( např. Metaphysics from a Biological Point of View, 2013).

čtvrtek 26.10.2017: Dr. hab. Leszek Preisner, prof. AGH (University of Science and Technology, Krakow) "Selected Issues of Sustainable Development"

Dr hab. Leszek Preisner is an Associate Professor at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow Poland where, he was (2002-2016) Head of the Department of Economics, Finance and Environmental Management at the AGH Faculty of Management. He has extensive experience in numerous scientific and practical activities in Environmental Economics and Management as well as Sustainable Development and is the author of over 120 publications. He also participated from 1997-1998 in the Fulbright Program at the Murray State University, Kentucky, USA. Prof. L. Preisner is president of the Polish Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, and also president of the Polish Chapter of the International Society for Business Education.

Abstract of the lecture: Since early beggining of human economic activity there are very strong relations between Economy and the Envrionment. Usually economic activity has negative impact on the environment.The most spectacular cases of such situations will be presentedduring this lecture ilustrated also by atractive slaids. Jumping from historical perspective into present time attention will be concentrated on the Sustainable Development, a concept which recently made a significant carreer. Lecture will be ended by philosophical question if there is a conflict between Sustainability and Development?

pátek 20. 10. 2017 od 8:30: prof. Dr. József Betlehem, Ph.D. (Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Pécs, Hungary): "New and old models of nursing care - changing the paradigm of caring"

Prof. Betlehem is a university teacher in Nursing. He made his postgraduate studies at the University of Pécs in Hungary and at the Manchester Metropolitan University in Great Britain. In 2012 he received the degree of senior lecturer at the University of Pécs and in 2017 he was nominated professor. He is the head of the Institute of Urgent Care and Teaching in Health Care. At present he is Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Pécs. He is actively involved in the transformation of nurse education and manages and controls the work of the respective work group at national level. He works as the minister's adviser for introduction of transformation changes in university education of nurses. In the area of scientific and research activities, prof. Betlehem develops the discipline of nursing - he focuses on health care quality, patient and staff satisfaction, staff education and provision of urgent care.

He is author of numerous scientific and expert articles both in national and international journals with contents focused on scientific results and current topics in the discipline of nursing. The number of his scientific and expert articles exceeds 203. He is also author of 2 monographs and of 28 monograph chapters. His quotation rate confirms the importance of his publications (the number of quotations exceeds 327).

Prof. Betlehem is member of several academic councils of faculties and universities; he is member of editorial boards of national and international journals and member of several expert commissions both at national and international level. He has also important international activities - he cooperates with multiple universities both in Europe and in the U.S.A.

3.10. - 6.10. 2017: Athanasie Karabela, série přednášek  na téma umění starověkého Řecka.

Jednotlivé přednášky jsou věnované několika nejdůležitějším muzejním institucím, přiblíží nám atmosféru archeologických nalezišť a nejdůležitějších lokalit. Hostující lektorka Athanasie Karabela je výtvarná umělkyně působící v současné době v Aténách, vystudovala na aténské univerzitě obor vizuální umění v ateliéru malby. V průběhu studia absolvovala dvě zahraniční stáže na Univerzitě Georga Augusta Goettingen v Německu a Univerzitě Johannesa Keplera v rakouském Linci, kde prohlubovala svoje znalosti v oblasti filozofie. Věnuje se komparativním vědám na pomezí umění a filozofie.  

pátek 15.9.2017: Bryan W. Brooks (Baylor University, Department of Environmental Science): Perspectives on Urbanization and Contaminants of Emerging Concern

Dr. Brooks' interdisciplinary research interests broadly include understanding how anthropogenic activities and stressors influence various levels of biological organization, particularly in rapidly urbanizing regions. Students and postdoctoral fellows working in his group are engaged in interdisciplinary projects that often incorporate laboratory and field studies in aquatic, environmental and comparative toxicology, environmental risk assessment, and water resources research. Because of the complex nature of the environmental and ecological sciences, environmental public health and biomedical studies, students receive an interdisciplinary training that balances formational coursework and theoretical preparation with applied problem solving experiences.

pátek 15.9.2017: Fernando Afonso (University of Lisbon, Portugal): Laboratory fish

Fernando Afonso is a Professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Lisbon (FMV-ULisboa), where he has been teaching since 1986. He is responsible for the teaching of “General Pathology” and “Aquaculture” in the Veterinary Medicine course. In Animal Production course he is also the responsible for the teaching of “Aquaculture” and responsible for coordination of post-graduate courses in the area of aquaculture in the Faculty where he teaches. He is participating in the Laboratory Animal Science Course organized every year in our Institution, where he teaches courses “The Laboratory Fish” and “Diseases in Laboratory Animals”. He has been also participating in the Animal Production Master Course and in the Security Food Master Course in the FMV-ULisboa, teaching aquaculture. Besides his involvement in teaching activities he has been organizing visits for the students to fish farms and to Institutions and facilities related to fisheries and aquaculture. For personal interest, for learning and for education purposes, I have been visiting fish farms, facilities and Institutions related to aquaculture, in Portugal and in several countries.
He has been participating in Projects in the area of aquaculture and recently, he was the scientific responsible in the FMV-ULisboa for a project on endangered and threatened freshwater Portuguese species.He has been attending National and International congresses, meetings and workshops where he has been presenting communications in the area of pathology and aquatic science. He is a member of the European Aquaculture Society and of the European Association of Fish Pathologists.

pátek 8.9.2017: Igor Babiak (Nord University , Bodø, · Faculty of Biosciences and Aquaculture) : Small regulatory transcriptome in fish gonads, gametes and early embryos

His research area is within reproduction and development of fish, particularly molecular regulatory mechanisms of early embryonic and germline development. Also, he is interested in reproductive biotechnologies for control of reproduction. Examples of my current projects: ¤ FismiR: origin, evolution and functions of non-coding RNA in fish development. ¤ Sterilaks: development of sterilization vaccine to farmed fish. ¤ SEQ: Maternal transcriptome markers of egg quality in Atlantic salmon.

pátek 8.9.2017: Konrad Dabrowski (The Ohio State University, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences): New findings related to Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) reproduction, growth and sex differentiation

Kondrad Dabrowski is research fellow of Fish physiology, particularly nutritional biochemistry of larval stages of freshwater species cyprinids, coregonines, salmonids, esocids, and percids, fish nutrition, particularly metabolism and requirement of ascorbic acid and tocopherol, dvolutionary aspects of ascorbic acid synthesis in aquatic animals' aquaculture methods in reproduction and rearing of freshwater fishes with emphasis on fish bioenergetics in intensive systems, ponds, and lake cages, sperm physiology, mechanisms of sperm-egg interaction in lamprey, sturgeon and teleost fish.

čtvrtek 7.9.2017: Oliana Carnevali (Universita Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy): Endocrine disrupting chemicals in aquatic enviroments: effects on fish gamets

středa 6.9.2017: Akos Horvath (Szent István University, Gödöllö, Hungary): Gamete and germ cels preservation and storage: perspectives and the reality

Graduated from the Gödöllő University of Agricultural Sciences (Gödöllő, Hungary) in 1997 with a MSc in Agriculture and defended his PhD at Szent István University (also in Gödöllő, Hungary) in 2001. Currently, he works at the Department of Aquaculture of Szent István University where he leads a research group in fish reproduction (http://fishreprodsziu.blogspot.hu). His main area of research is the cryopreservation of fish gametes and germ cells, however, his interests also include aquaculture in general, genetics in aquaculture, population genetics, biology of reproduction, cytogenetics and aquatic toxicology. During his scientific career, he has developed cryopreservation methods for the sperm of several fish species, including sturgeons, salmonids, cyprinids and catfishes. He has been in charge of the Hungarian team in the FP7 project 265264 CytoThreat and has coordinated several Hungarian national projects. He has authored or co-authored more than 60 international peer-reviewed articles and 12 book chapters. In addition to research, he teaches several courses at Szent István University, including Pond Aquaculture, Intensive Aquaculture, Aquatic toxicology and Wildlife Genetics.

úterý 5.9.2017: Julien Bobe (French National Institute for Agricultural Research, Paris, France): Maternal-effects genes and egg quality: usual suspects and new players

The current research interests are the determinism of egg quality and the molecular mechanisms of oogenesis in fish with a special interest for the effect of environmental factors and husbandry practices. They have developed the use of genomic tools (e.g. microarray, 2D eletrophoresis) to study specific stages of oocyte development in rainbow trout. They are currently studying the egg transcriptome and proteome in relationship with the developmental capacities of the egg after fertilization. Concomitantly, they have been performing a genomic analysis of the ovarian follicle during maturational competence acquisition and oocyte maturation. In addition, they are interested in the molecular mechanisms involved in the ovulatory process in fish. Finally they are currently studying the effects of endocrine disruptors on oocyte maturation and egg quality in fish.

pondělí 4.9.2017: Rudriger Schulz (Utrecht University):  Endocrine and paracrine regulation of zebrafish spermatogenesis

His main research question is, “How do hormones and growth factors regulate the proliferation activity of germ cells, in particular of spermatogonial stem cells?” Moreover, he is interested in the regulation of the production/release of pituitary hormones regulating spermatogenesis, in particular FSH. The experimental models used to approach these questions are the zebrafish (Danio rerio), and in collaboration with other research groups (e.g., at the Institute of Marine Research in Bergen, Norway), also economically relevant species, such as the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).
The basic research concentrates on four aspects:
- identify candidate growth factors relevant for spermatogenesis via gene expression profiling (e.g. microarray; RNAseq [mRNA, miRNA, lncRNA]);
- characterize the biological activity of identified candidate factors by expression profiling (RNAseq), gain-of-function and loss-of-function approaches, often using a primary testis tissue culture system (e.g. pharmacological approaches; production of recombinant proteins; targeted gene knock out);
- study the endocrine regulation of expression and/or release of identified candidate factors;
- examine the endocrine regulation of pituitary FSH production and release.
The equilibrium between stem cell self-renewal and differentiation is also relevant for an applied research field we are interested in, aquaculture biotechnology. Sexual maturation or puberty poses significant economic, ecological, and animal welfare problems, for example for Atlantic salmon aquaculture. Puberty is associated with a switch from self-renewal to an increased differentiation of stem cells. Knowledge on the physiological mechanisms controlling the switch in stem cell activity is the basis for developing approaches to delay the start of pubertal testis maturation. In addition, sexually competent fish escaping from aquaculture facilities (e.g. after storm-induced damage) entail the risk of genetic introgression into native populations. Precocious male puberty and genetic introgression are two major problems creating obstacles for the further development of protein production for human consumption from salmon aquaculture.


čtvrtek 27.7.2017: Thomas Van Elsen z University of Kassel, faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences, Witzenhausen, Germany

přednáška s názvem: Landscape development on farm level - perspectives on organic farms, Social Farming in Germany - from specialized farms towards social and ecological inclusion

pátek 30.6.2017 od 9:30 do 10:30 v posluchárně Filozofické fakulty JU přednáška paní  Erin Marie Furtak, University of Colorado Boulder, USA s názvem: "Supporting Changes in Teacher Practice with A Learning Progression: Results of the Elevate Study"


We know that in order for teachers to achieve meaningful changes in their classroom practices, they need opportunities to participate in long-term professional development. However, how does teacher learning relate to changes in their classroom practices and, in turn, how does that influence student learning? This interactive plenary session will present the Elevate study, a four-year study of high school biology teachers’ engagement in a professional learning experience centred on a learning progression for natural selection. Together, we will look inside teachers’ participation in the professional development sessions, their classroom practices, and results of student achievement.  

Erin Marie Furtak is Associate Professor of Education specializing in Science Education.

Dr. Furtak's research grew out of her own experiences as a public high school teacher, in which she struggled to enact science teaching reforms in her own classroom. Her work focuses on how to support secondary science teachers in improving their everyday formative assessment practices. With the support of a CAREER grant from the National Science Foundation, Dr. Furtak has been investigating how a long-term professional development program centered on a learning progression for natural selection can support high school teachers in iteratively designing, enacting, and revising formative assessments.

Dr. Furtak received the 2011 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) and the German Chancellor Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2006). She has published 18 peer-reviewed articles and two books. She conducts extensive service to the teaching profession through long-term research and professional development partnerships with school districts and organizations in Colorado and across the US. 


PhD Curriculum and Teacher Education, Stanford University, 2006
MA Education, University of Denver, 2001
BA Environmental, Population, and Organismic Biology, University of Colorado Boulder, 1999


pondělí 29. 5. 2017 na Teologické fakultě uskutečnila přednáška Stevena J. Jensena s názvem "Moral Issues Surrounding Organ Transplantation".

Téma přednášky se zabývalo etickými otázkami transplantologie, jež přináší mnohým pacientům naději do života, zároveň ovšem vyvolává i nejrůznější otázky. Jakým způsobem uspokojit rostoucí poptávku po orgánech v naší společnosti? Je morálně správné odebírat orgány z lidí, kteří neposkytli souhlas, ale např. náhle zemřeli při nehodě? Jak hledět z etického hlediska na praxi získávání orgánů od pacientů, kteří se tímto způsobem rozhodli pro euthanasii, jak se to děje např. v Belgii? Existuje morálně přijatelná možnost získávat nejen párové, ale i nepárové orgány mimo případ úmrtí dárce? Za jakých podmínek vlastně nastává smrt?

Prof. Steven J. Jensen (University of St. Thomas, Houston, Texas) je uznávaným odborníkem na teoretickou i aplikovanou etiku, středověkou filosofii a metafyziku, autorem řady knih a odborných článků.