Support in Emergency and Crisis Situations

General Emergency Phone Numbers

European emergency phone numbers

112 – police, fire, medical and rescue service

Czech emergency phone numbers

158 – Police
156 – Municipal Police
155 – Emergency Medical Service
150 – Fire and Rescue Service
For contacts of doctors, hospitals and pharmacies – see the link Medical Support.

Emergency phone number - University of South Bohemia

mobile phone number: +420 702 027 176

e-mail address:

This is a 24/7 service established for international students and employees who are currently studying and working at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. The Emergency line can provide them with support in English in emergency situations related to their stay at the University.

Students and employees can contact this Emergency line in these situations:

  • if they are victims or witnesses of a serious crime (e.g. assault/rape, missing, kidnapping, serious injury, death, etc.) and need support to deal with it
  • if their mental health seriously worsens
  • if there is a natural or anthropogenic crisis (natural disasters, mass infections, large-scale accidents, political/social crisis, war conflict, severe security situation, terrorism, etc.)


This Emergency line is not established for dealing with situations in daily life. In the following most common situations, please, contact:

  •  common health problems: Medical Support
  •  loss/theft of documents, personal belongings or money: Police - number 158
  •  financial crisis: if it is related to the scholarship payment, contact your International office/Study department coordinator
  •  visa counselling: Welcome officer Caroline Zoubek,, +420 735 700 532
  •  labour issues: HR department