Symposium studijního oboru European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations

Čtvrtek 22 únor 2018 Celý den

Tento studijní obor se vyučuje jako Joint Degree program na Pedagogické fakultě Jihočeské univerzity.

Symposium se uskuteční v anglickém jazyce a nebude tlumočeno. Srdečně je zvána nejen akademická obec univerzity, ale i široká veřejnost.

Pořádá katedra společenských věd PF JU

Opening Speech:  
doc. PhDr. Lucie Betáková, MA, Ph.D. Vice-Dean for Science and Foreign Relations, Faculty of Education,  University of South Bohemia, the Czech Republic

Migrants and Refugees: a Global Perspective Dr. Lydia Potts, Coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Master Course EMMIR, University of Oldenburg, Germany

The Production of Migration: How & why Cultural Studies matter in the Study of Migration Prof. Martin Butler,  Head of Department, Department of English and American Studies, University of Oldenburg, Germany

Contemporary migration: controversies and their global impact   Daniela Arias Vargas, M. A.  University of Oldenburg, Germany

Migration and Health in Southern Africa in relation to the EU position on migration Jo Vearey, PhD, Associate Professor & Acting Co-Director, African Centre for Migration & Society, Wits University, Johannesburg, South Africa

Migration to the EU: "The Balkan route": challenges and lessons learned.

- The Balkan route: past/present/future. Prof. dr. Jure Gombač, University of Nova Gorica, ISIM ZRC SAZU

- Creating prejudices through misusing the migration studies categorical apparatus, prof. dr. Marina Lukšič Hacin, University of Nova Gorica, ISIM ZRC SAZU.

- Migrant children in Slovenia: Challenges of inclusion dr. Marjanca Ajša Vižintin, University of Nova Gorica, ISIM ZRC SAZU

Moderation:  Mgr. Anna Maršíková, M.A.,  PhDr. Salim Murad, PhD. Department of Social Sciences, University of South Bohemia, the Czech Republic

Dukelská 9, aula D 240
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