Current information about the coronavirus outbreak

Dear students and employees of the University of South Bohemia, on this page you can find all measures of USB and current information about the coronavirus outbreak:

Important and useful links:

For up-to-date information, it is recommended to monitor the official information of the following institutions:

- If you need to travel outside the Czech Republic, check the information about travelling provided by your national Embassy.

- info line +420 724 810 106

Students and employees of the University of South Bohemia can also contact the International Relations Office
at +420 702 027 176 or e-mail


Rector´s decision:  

1. Rectors decision on coronavirus outbreak (2. 3. 2020)
- cancelled by the Rector’s ordinance on extraordinary measures related to the coronavirus outbreak (16. 4. 2020)

2. The decision of the Rector of USB on the current development of the coronavirus outbreak  - No.1 (10. 3. 2020)
- cancelled by the Rector’s ordinance on extraordinary measures related to the coronavirus outbreak (16. 4. 2020)

3. The decision of the Rector of USB on the current development of the coronavirus outbreak - No.2 (13. 3. 2020)
- cancelled by the Rector’s ordinance on extraordinary measures related to the coronavirus outbreak (16. 4. 2020)

4. The decision of the Rector of USB related to the declaration of the State of Emergency (13. 3. 2020)
- cancelled by the Rector’s ordinance on extraordinary measures related to the coronavirus outbreak (4. 5. 2020)

5. Contacts - Emergency Comittee

6. Contacts - Coordinators at USB faculties

7. The Rector ot the University of South Bohemia has issued a statement to the current situation and the coronavirus outbreak. See his speech with English subtitles.

8. The decision of the Rector of USB on the current development of the coronavirus outbreak - No.3 (16. 3. 2020)
- cancelled by the Rector’s ordinance on extraordinary measures related to the coronavirus outbreak (16. 4. 2020)

9. The decision of the Rector of USB on the current development of the coronavirus outbreak - No.4 (20. 3. 2020)
- cancelled by the Rector’s ordinance on extraordinary measures related to the coronavirus outbreak (16. 4. 2020)

10. Rector’s ordinance on Extraordinary Measures concerning Studies in the Summer Semester 2019/2020

11. Rector’s ordinance on extraordinary measures related to the coronavirus outbreak (16. 4. 2020)
- cancelled by the Rector’s ordinance on extraordinary measures related to the coronavirus outbreak (24. 4. 2020)

12. Rector’s ordinance on extraordinary measures related to the coronavirus outbreak (24. 4. 2020)
- cancelled by the Rector’s ordinance on extraordinary measures related to the coronavirus outbreak (4. 5. 2020)

13. Rector’s ordinance on extraordinary measures related to the coronavirus outbreak (4. 5. 2020)
- cancelled by the Rector’s ordinance on extraordinary measures related to the coronavirus outbreak (14. 5. 2020)

14. Rector’s ordinance on extraordinary measures related to the coronavirus outbreak (14. 5. 2020)
- cancelled by the Rector’s ordinance on extraordinary measures related to the coronavirus outbreak (12. 6. 2020)

15. Rector’s ordinance on extraordinary measures related to the coronavirus outbreak (12. 6. 2020)
- cancelled by the Rector’s ordinance on extraordinary measures related to the coronavirus outbreak (13. 4. 2021)

16. Rector’s ordinance on extraordinary measures related to the coronavirus outbreak (13. 4. 2021)


Methodological instructions:

1. Information on the beginning of the WS 2020/21 for USB students (30. 9. 2020)

2. Information on operation restrictions at the USB (9. 10. 2020)

3. Information on operation restrictions at the USB (13. 10. 2020)

4. Information on operation restrictions at the USB (31. 10. 2020)

5. Information on operation restrictions at the USB (25. 11. 2020)

6. Information on operation restrictions at the USB (7. 12. 2020)

7. Information on operation restrictions at the USB (30. 12. 2020)
- On the basis of the Resolutions of the Government of the Czech Republic No. 55, 56 and 57 from January 22, 2021, the effect of the currently announced binding regulations was extended until February 14.

8. Information on operation restrictions at the USB (15. 2. 2021)

9. Information on operation restrictions at the USB (28. 2. 2021)
- On the basis of the Resolutions of the Government of the Czech Republic No. 315 from March 26, 2021, the effect of the currently announced binding regulations was extended until April 11.

10. Information on operation restrictions at the USB (12. 4. 2021)

11. Methodological directive stipulating conditions of quarantines (13. 4. 2021)

12. Information on operation restrictions at the USB (21. 4. 2021)
- Annexe: Certificate of antigen test performed to ascertain the presence of the antigen of the SARS-CoV-2 virus

13. Information about the conditions of testing of students
RESERVATION SYSTEM (The central testing system is available only to students with valid health insurance covering preventive testing (students with national identification number / insurance number). Otherwise, you need to use tests that are intended for self-testing (available at faculties and at accommodation facilities of USB)).

14. Information on operation restrictions at the USB from 10. 5. 2021 (7. 5. 2021)

15. Information on operation restrictions at the USB from 24. 5. 2021 (19. 5. 2021)

16. Information on operation restrictions at the USB - 1. 6. 2021

17. Information on operation restrictions at the USB - 15. 6. 2021

18. Information on operation restrictions at the USB from 1. 7. 2021

19. Information on operation restrictions at the USB - 1. 9. 2021

Information about operation of Dormitories and Refectories of USB and decision of the DaR Director of the USB are available HERE.