Arrival to the Czech Republic

Before your arrival to the Czech Republic

There is a detailed description of the visa application formalities you have to manage before your arrival to České Budějovice - here.

After your arrival to the Czech Republic:

1. Registration at the Ministry of the Interior and the Foreign Police

For the registration, bring your:

  • national identity card or a passport
  • visa
  • travel health insurance contract and a confirmation of its payment

to the address below (EU students bring their national health insurance card).

Please, read here about the travel medical insurance requirement on the website of the Ministry of Interior:

You might be asked to submit an insurance contract and a confirmation of payment before the visa sticker/stamp is added to your passport. Please read more information about the travel medical insurance.

2. When to register:

  • EU students + Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland - within 30 days after your arrival to the Czech Republic
  • non-EU students within 3 working days after your arrival to the Czech Republic


  • students (both EU and non-EU) who stay in the halls of residence of the university, the registration will be made by the halls of residence
  • for students who stay in private accommodation, it is compulsory to register:


3. Where to register: 

A> FOREIGN POLICE (Cizinecká policie) For students coming from the EU countries (+ Norway, Lichtenstein, Iceland, Switzerland) and students with long-term visa for the purpose of studies

FOREIGN POLICE (Cizinecká policie)
Address:  Pražská 1257/23, České Budějovice – 3rd floor
Telephone: +420 974 221 829
Office hours: 
Monday and Wednesday:  8:00 – 17:00

B> For students with long-term residence permit for the purpose of studies:

MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR, Department for Asylum and Migration Policy 
(Ministerstvo vnitra, odbor azylové a migrační politiky)
Address: Pražská 1257/23, České Budějovice – 1st floor
Telephone: +420 974 226 851
Office hours:
Monday and Wednesday:  8:00 – 17:00
Tuesday and Thursday:      8:00 – 12:00
Friday:                                Only for clients with an appointment

 4. Extension of your stay as well as visa

If you want to extend your stay in the Czech Republic, you will have to apply for the long-term residence permit in České Budějovice (no earlier than 3 months before and no later than 14 days before the end of the validity of your visa) at the Regional Department for Asylum in Migration Policy (Ministry of Interior) in České Budějovice (please see contact details above). Please note that you will have to pay a fee:

Lists of Czech embassies and general consulates abroad